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The Karo Tribes

Karo (also Cherre, Kere, Kerre) is an Omotic language spoken in the South Omo River of Ethiopia. Karo is described as being closely related to its neighbors, Hamer and Banna, with a lexical similarity of 81%, and is considered a dialect of Hamer. The Karo tribes living along with the borders of the Lower Omo […]

The Hamer Tribes

Hammer TribeThey are one of the most known tribes in Southern Ethiopia. They inhabit the territory east of the Omo River and have villages in Turmi and Dimeka. Tourists visit the hammer hoping to see a traditional leaping ceremony (the jumping of bulls). They are cattle herders and practice agriculture. Very colorful bracelets and beads […]

The Hamer Tribes

The Hamar (or Hamer) Tribe – population about 50,000 – in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region are pastural semi-nomadic people living in the Omo River Valley. The rites of passage to adulthood of the Hamar Tribe Rituals include cattle leaping and young Hamar women getting whipped to prove their love for their kinsmen. […]

The Surma Tribes

Surma, “Suri” is the self-name of a little-known group of agro-pastorals/cultivators straddling the borderland of southwestern Ethiopia and Sudan. They show some historical and cultural affinities with the Nilotic peoples in neighboring Sudan; they are also related to the Ethiopian Mursi and especially the Me’en, other “tribal” groups in this area. The Suri are composed […]

The Dorze Tribes

Aside from the dramatic views back to the rift valley lakes near Arbaminch, Chencha is of interest to travelers as the home for the Dorze people, renowned cotton weavers whose tall beehive shaped dwellings are among the most distinctive traditional structures to be seen anywhere in Africa . The main occupation of the region is […]
