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Timkat – Epiphany

Timkat is the Ge’ez expression for the traditional celebration of Epiphany, commemorating the baptism of Jesus Christ in the hands of John the Baptist at River Jordan. Epiphany (Aster’eyo in Ge’ez) denotes the manifestation of the mystery of the Trinitarian God in which God the Father testified the sonship of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit revealed itself as a dove right at the Jordan River when Jesus was baptized. Timkat is also the religious practice that initiates a child to Christendom. Timkat celebration, held annually on the 19th of January (or the 20th on leap years!), is primarily a function in the purview of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, a church possibly as old as Christianity itself. As indicated in the Bible, an Ethiopian eunuch was the first person to be baptized when he was on an official visit to Jerusalem.

All over the country large crowds gather, with pilgrims coming from all over to witness the re-enactment, and take part in the festival, which lasts three days. At its most vibrant in Addis Ababa (the capital), everyone gets involved in the celebrations, which include processions, songs, dance and prayer.

Starting with Ketera (preparations) the day before, the festival then goes on to last for three days. On the first day, models of the Ark of the Covenant, called Tabots, are carried to the river in a procession led by the most senior priest of each church. The priests carry the arks on the top of their heads and, at dawn, the water is blessed and sprinkled on the participants. Some participants jump into the water to renew their baptism vows.

The second day marks the main celebrations when Orthodox Ethiopians march through the streets decorated with green, red and yellow to represent the Ethiopian flag. There is lots singing, dancing and feasting, as all but one of the Tabots are returned to their individual churches.

The third, and final, day of Timkat is known as the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, when the Tabot of St. Michael’s Church is returned, accompanied by a procession of priests and believers.
